操作系统 | 云服务/平台 | 技术难度 | 关注领域 |
Android | Intermediate | Gaming Embedded |
高通Adreno GPU具有强大的图形性能。
1. Android device with Snapdragon SDM660 processors installed the apk compiled by Android NDK, used to run apk and see flame display effect.
2.PC with Ubuntu 14.
3.PC with Windows 7.
4.Type-C data cable.
5.Adreno GPU SDK v5.0.
6.Android NDK r17b.
7.Apache Ant 1.9.14.
8.Snapdragon Profiler, a tool used to view apk performance indicators in real time.
1. 根据此链接下载并安装到PC:https://developer.qualcomm.com/software/adreno-gpu-sdk
2. Download Android NDK r17b and install it to PC.
3. Download Apache Ant 1.9.14 and install it to PC.
4. Download Snapdragon Profiler from https://developer.qualcomm.com/software/snapdragon-profiler, and install it to PC.
5. 实现火焰的着色器
6. 在APK中调用火焰的着色器
7. 在APK中实现FPS的显示
8. 一步步实现需要的功能
11.如果你关注性能指标,可以使用Snapdragon Profiler 来进行查看
1、How to realize the flame shader?(如何实现火焰着色器)
In order to enable OpenGL to achieve flame drawing, we must first create a shader.
Vertex Shader:
#version 300 es
layout (location = 0) in vec4 vertex; // <vec2 position, vec2 texCoords>
out vec2 TexCoords;
out vec4 ParticleColor;
uniform mat4 projection;
uniform vec2 offset;
uniform vec4 color;
uniform float scale;
void main()
TexCoords = vertex.zw;
ParticleColor = color; //vec4(0.999995, 0.999995, 0.5, 0.0);
gl_Position = projection * vec4(((vertex.xy - 0.5) * scale) + offset, 0.0, 1.0);
gl_Position = projection * vec4((vertex.xy * scale) + offset, 0.0, 1.0);
Fragment Shader:
#version 300 es
in vec2 TexCoords;
in vec4 ParticleColor;
out vec4 color;
uniform sampler2D sprite;
void main()
#if 1
color = (texture(sprite, TexCoords) * ParticleColor);
color = ParticleColor;
This code creates the vertex shader and fragment shader respectively.
2、How to achieve the display of titles, menus, texts, etc?(如何实现标题、菜单、文本的显示)
Call the CFrmFontGLES and CFrmUserInterfaceGLES classes provided by the SDK framework to display the title, menu and text.(调用SDK框架提供的CFrmFontGLES、CFrmUserInterfaceGLES等类来实现标题、菜单和文字的显示)
// Create the font
m_pFont = new CFrmFontGLES();
if( FALSE == m_pFont->Create( "Samples/Fonts/Tuffy12.pak" ) )
FrmLogMessage("ERROR: create m_pFont failed\n");
return FALSE;
// Load the packed resources
CFrmPackedResourceGLES resource;
if( FALSE == resource.LoadFromFile( "Samples/Textures/Logo.pak" ) )
return FALSE;
// Create the logo texture
m_pLogoTexture = resource.GetTexture( "Logo" );
// Setup the user interface
if( FALSE == m_UserInterface.Initialize( m_pFont, g_strWindowTitle ) )
return FALSE;
m_UserInterface.AddOverlay( m_pLogoTexture->m_hTextureHandle, -5, -5, m_pLogoTexture->m_nWidth, m_pLogoTexture->m_nHeight );
m_UserInterface.AddTextString( (char *)"Press \200 for Help", 1.0f, -1.0f );
The above code creates the CFrmFontGLES and CFrmUserInterfaceGLES objects, respectively, where the CFrmUserInterfaceGLES object can call the AddOverlay and AddTextString methods to display icons and text.(上述代码分别建立了 CFrmFontGLES和 CFrmUserInterfaceGLES对象,其中CFrmUserInterfaceGLES 对象可以调用 AddOverlay和 AddTextString来实现图标和文字的显示)
3.How to display the frame rate?(如何实现帧率的显示)
Create a CFrmTimer class object and call the CFrmUserInterfaceGLES object in the render function to display the frame rate.(创建CFrmTimer类对象,并在Render中调用 CFrmUserInterfaceGLES对象来显示帧率)
// Update the timer
// Render the user interface
m_UserInterface.Render( m_Timer.GetFrameRate() );
4.How to compile and generate APK?(如何编译生成APK)
Compile thesource code(代码编译)
cd jni/
ndk-build -B
cd ..
Update the resource file(更新资源)
android update project -p . -t android-20
Generate the APK file(使用ant命令打包生成APK)
ant debug
5.How to use Snapdragon Profiler software to analysis CPU and GPU utilization ?(如何使用 Snapdragon Profiler软件分析CPU和GPU的使用率)
1. Connect the phone to Snapdragon Profiler software.(将手机连接 Snapdragon Profiler软件)
2. Select the Realtime mode.(选择realtime模式)
3. Select CPU Utilization and GPU Utilization in process list, and the real-time utilization results will be displayed in the middle window.(选择process添加CPU Utilization和 GPU Utilization,实时的使用结果会显示在中间窗口)
6.How to use Snapdragon Profiler software to do OpenGL analysis?(如何使用 Snapdragon Profiler软件对OpenGL进行分析)
1.Connect the phone to Snapdragon Profiler software.(将手机连接 Snapdragon Profiler)
2.Change layout setting to OpenGL.(改变layout设置为OpenGL)
3.Select the Snapshot Capture mode.(选择Snapshot Capture模式)
4.Take Snapshot.(执行Take Snapshot操作)
1、Download code from github according to the repository from “https://github.com/ThunderSoft-XA/Adreno-Burning-Flame.git”.(从此处下载源代码)
2、Install Adreno GPU SDK v5.0.(安装Adreno SDK)
3、Install Android NDK r17b.(安装Android NDK r17b)
4、Install Apache Ant 1.9.14.(安装Apache Ant1.9.14)
5、Install Snapdragon Profiler.(安装 Snapdragon Profiler)
6、Compile APK source code and install it to android device.(编译成APK并安装到安卓设备)
7、Open the APK, and you will enjoy it.(打开APK并欣赏它)
8、If you care about some performance indicators, you can use Snapdragon Profiler to view it.(如果关注性能指标,可以使用 Snapdragon Profiler查看)
姓名 | 公司 |
Zhen sunzhen@thundersoft.com |
Thundersoft |
Rong yangrong0925@thundersoft.com |
Thundersoft |
Wu kouzw0723@thundersoft.com |
Thundersoft |
Bo fangbo0326@thundersoft.com |
Thundersoft |
Qin yansq0930@thundersoft.com |
Thundersoft |
Xu |
Thundersoft |
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